January 2016

The Holiday Comedown

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The Holiday Comedown

Oh holidays, how we’d love to hate you!

Don’t get us wrong…

We do love you. And that’s exactly the problem. Maybe we love you too much.

We love your festivities filled with endless cakes, sugar cookies, and Pinterest-worthy appetizers we had never even heard of before.

We love curling up on the couch in a blanket by a cozy fire listening to holiday classics and sipping spiked eggnog—and NOT the reduced fat kind.


We love the excuse “But it’s the holidays” every time our conscience prods us to put down said eggnog and hop onto the elliptical.

And we especially love the colder weather that allows us to easily hide the evidence of all our holiday cheer behind bulky sweaters and roomy sweatpants.

But then as quickly as Santa came to town, he left it again, leaving us alone with opened gift boxes, empty candy cane wrappers, and worst of all—overwhelming senses of guilt and overgrown muffin tops stuffed into pants that are now too tight.

Muffin Top

And just like that, the magic of the holidays suddenly turns into the dread of New Years. We’re expected to somehow instantly drop any semblance of our former carefree selves and find the resolve within our party-weary, sugar-laden bodies to drag ourselves off the couch and into the gym? WHY?! Why can’t we just veg out a little longer—as in, for the rest of year?

Sleeping on couch

Ugh, the struggle is so very real.

Folks, take it from those of us who also suffer greatly from the Holiday Comedown every year. It’s awful, but it’s also somewhat like ripping off a Band-Aid. It’s going to hurt at first, and you’ll do anything to leave it firmly stuck in its place, but you’ll feel instantly better once you do.

And the perfect antidote to feeling sluggish is starting your winter workout with any one of our many Jazzercise dance classes where the fun music and friendly faces almost make you forget you’re burning anywhere around 800 calories in just one dance class.

Jazzercise Class

Even if you go kicking and screaming, just go. We guarantee you’ll be back for more.

See you all out there.

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