


Mother-Daughter Duo Share Their Jazzercise Journey

Jazzercise customer, Jaime Allison, shares with us her amazing transformation story.  She and her daughter have danced with discipline and dedication for over a year and their hard work is paying off.  We had the opportunity to interview Jaime to learn about her journey with Jazzercise.  

5 Reasons to Keep Up with Your Fitness Routine This Holiday Season

With the holidays on the horizon, we outlned five reasons to keep up with your fitness routine in the coming months. 

Hard to imagine the holidays are right around the corner- there’s so much to look forward to, including the desserts! Our friend, Cate Ritter, put together some tips on what to focus on with your food intake so you can allow yourself the occasional, guilt-free splurge!

A new season means a new opportunity to add some simple tricks to eating clean.  After all, why not save your cheat meals for a pumpkin spice anything? Nutritionist, Cate Ritter, shares her 10 tips for smart eating. 

Get Teens Off Screens and Into Action

Judi Sheppard Missett talks about the importance of physical activity in teens and how it helped inspire GirlForce

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